Occy Carr
Mar 16, 2021


Hi Greg,

I enjoyed your writing style and appreciate the humour but I think your argument may be a little simplistic. Whilst I agree that some people feel pressurised by society into wearing make up or heels, I do not think the majority of wearers don either in order to 'get a mate'. In a similar way to jewellery or tattoos these are things that people do as a method of self expression, an art form in itself. There is a skill in make up and a beauty in fashion.

Your argument seems to rely on the idea that men are more attracted to natural women so women should wear less make up but this seems to be a thinly veiled attempt at trying to tell women what they should do with their own bodies?



Occy Carr
Occy Carr

Written by Occy Carr

A reformed serial dater and creator of www.thedateranaylst.com, I am a chronic over-thinker and word-vommer

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